Tag Archives: surfing-surfers

Surfing stoned: why smoking weed is not a good idea

Surfers have always smoked cannabis to enhance the wave riding experience and the connection with the ocean. But the flipside of relaxation might make you think twice before lighting a pre-surf marijuana joint. In theory, you don’t need to smoke pot to experience the thrill of surfing at its purest form. If you need an […]

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Floridian daredevils go trampoline surfing

Surfers are creative individuals, especially when the ocean’s flat or the waves are less than ideal even for a longboarding session. A group of hardcore surfing enthusiasts designed and built a trampoline that rides waves. As a result, you’re able to surf and bounce simultaneously. Confused? And to add a little bit of spice to […]

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What is the difference between a wetsuit and a drysuit?

Surfers, divers, kayakers, and watermen in general have asked the question. We’ll try to explain. And it is quite easy to understand the difference between wetsuits and drysuits. It’s all in their names. Water temperature is the main reason you should get a drysuit instead of a wetsuit. A drysuit is made from layers of insulating […]

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