Retro surfing machine returns to Salt Creek

And now for something completely retro. The 13th Annual Cosmic Creek Surf Contest his hitting Salt Creek, between September 8th-9th. California’s acclaimed counterculture surf event is more than a mere surf competition. Cosmic Creek is a family-friendly beach happening built around a retro-style surf contest, all building up to a free Donavon Frankenreiter concert on […]

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And now for something completely retro. The 13th Annual Cosmic Creek Surf Contest his hitting Salt Creek, between September 8th-9th. California’s acclaimed counterculture surf event is more than a mere surf competition. Cosmic Creek is a family-friendly beach happening built around a retro-style surf contest, all building up to a free Donavon Frankenreiter concert on the lawn at Salt Creek. The Cosmic scene brings back the alternative and inventive vibe that went along with the surfboards and styles of the 1970’s and 80’s. It’s a two-day voyage back to an era where single-fins and twinnies ruled the world and inexplicably short surf trunks were the height of coastal cool.

Retro surfing machine returns to Salt Creek


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