Will power wave surfers dethrone the aerial generation?

Aerial surfers are ruling the world of wave riding. Will surfers ever return to the roots of wave face performance? In the beginning was the drop. The roots of surfing saw nobles and kings riding waves toward the beach. The pleasure was immense and sand was the ultimate goal. In the 20th century, surfers discovered the […]

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Aerial surfers are ruling the world of wave riding. Will surfers ever return to the roots of wave face performance? In the beginning was the drop. The roots of surfing saw nobles and kings riding waves toward the beach. The pleasure was immense and sand was the ultimate goal. In the 20th century, surfers discovered the surf line. They could ride a wave parallel to the beach. They needed more and Tom Blake, in 1935, changed the history of surfing by adding a fin to the surfboard. Trimming the surfboard gave birth to carving and wave face surfing was born. Take off, cutback, bottom turn, re-entry, floater, roundhouse cutback, off the lip and tube riding made the first surf stars.

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Will power wave surfers dethrone the aerial generation?


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