One wave, eight tubes: Koa Smith experiences Skeleton Bay

Koa Smith is absolutely stoked. The pro surfer from Kauai rode an endless dream wave in the heart of Africa. Where? You know where. It is probably the wave of a lifetime. Smith couldn’t believe what he was experiencing, and his point-of-view camera doesn’t lie either. Can you imagine surfing a natural wave for two […]

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Koa Smith is absolutely stoked. The pro surfer from Kauai rode an endless dream wave in the heart of Africa. Where? You know where. It is probably the wave of a lifetime. Smith couldn’t believe what he was experiencing, and his point-of-view camera doesn’t lie either. Can you imagine surfing a natural wave for two minutes, scoring eight barrels, and traveling a total distance of around a mile (1.5 kilometers)?

One wave, eight tubes: Koa Smith experiences Skeleton Bay

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