Western Australia launches Surfers Rescue 365 program

Surfing Western Australia announced the launch of its first Surfers Rescue 365 course. The program debuts at City Beach on June 11 and will provide recreational surfers with the opportunity to do a three-hour free CPR, first aid, and board rescue techniques course. The project is a joint-venture between Surfing WA and Surf Life Saving […]

Surfing Western Australia announced the launch of its first Surfers Rescue 365 course. The program debuts at City Beach on June 11 and will provide recreational surfers with the opportunity to do a three-hour free CPR, first aid, and board rescue techniques course. The project is a joint-venture between Surfing WA and Surf Life Saving WA and will teach basic life-saving skills to the surfing community, in a state whose coastline is 99 percent unpatrolled.

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Western Australia launches Surfers Rescue 365 program


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