Tag Archives: board

How to decipher the dimensions written on a surfboard

What do the numbers written on the bottom of a surfboard mean? Learn how shapers note down length, width, thickness, and volume of a newly-shaped board. Surfboards have different sizes, and their measurements are written in feet and inches on the board, alongside the shaper’s name or signature. Traditionally, the craftsman grabs a pencil and […]

The anatomy of a surfboard

Surfboards are complex hydrodynamic objects. They are made for riding waves and traditionally range from 5-to-13 feet, depending on whether they’re shortboards or longboards and guns. Because there are multiple forces acting on them, surfboards have different shapes for different ocean and wind conditions. The core materials involved surfboard shaping have evolved dramatically from the […]

Everything you need to know about Thomas Edison’s 1906 surf film

In 1906, Thomas A. Edison released “Hawaiian Islands.” The silent, black-and-white film features what is considered by many historians the oldest surf footage ever found. It is also the first flick featuring surfers riding surfboards. With over 30 chapters or scenes, the movie includes three segments that clearly reveal the importance of surf-related activities in […]

How to get your partner into surfing

Surfing is an individual sport, but there are so many things in the sport that you can share with your significant other. Learn how to get your boyfriend, girlfriend, husband or wife into surfing. If you surf, you know what he or she is missing. The relationship with the sea and the waves, that incredible […]

How to avoid nosediving/pearling in surfing

Nosedives are one of the most common incidents in surfing. Learn how to balance your weight and prevent pearling while catching waves. In surfing, nosediving doesn’t necessarily mean you’ve done something wrong. Yes, it can be particularly embarrassing when you think you’ve nailed down a perfect wave, and then you wipe out in front of […]

What to do when caught inside by a huge set

Do you know what to do to survive the ultimate surfing punishment? Learn how to confront the endless rows of rumbling whitewater, and get out of it alive. Taking a 20-foot set on the head is not the most pleasant experience surfing has to offer. And sometimes, a couple of double overhead waves will do […]

How to become a surf instructor

Do you want to become a fully-licensed surf instructor? Do you want to the share your surfing knowledge with others while earning a salary for your work? Discover the basic skills required to be a surfing instructor. The first thing you need to know is that you can’t initiate a surf coaching career just because […]

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How to catch a wave in surfing

How do you catch a wave in surfing? This is probably the first question a beginner surfer will ask when they grab the surfboard and hit the water for the first time. Catching your first wave is an exciting moment in surfing. The secret is to paddle into a wave with method and synchronization. Frenetic […]

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The side cut surfboard

Trinity Board Sport has announced the development of a side cut surfboard. The company from San Sebastian, in the Basque Country, believes that their Parabolic Rail System (PRS) technology increases speed, flotation, maneuverability, and stability. As a result, you get a very unconventional surfboard. “The idea came in 2010. Grant Strover and I spoke on the […]

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Kai Bates rode a wave for 1.24 kilometers

Kai Bates has ridden a wave in Peru for 1.24 kilometers (4097 feet or 0.77 miles). The 21-year-old stand-up paddleboarder from Ulladulla, New South Wales, is an avid wave explorer. The Australian has already surfed in a crocodile-infested tidal bore, so he is accustomed to unusual challenges. This time, Bates traveled to one of the […]

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