Tag Archives: common
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The best jokes about stand-up paddleboarding

Are you ready to laugh out loud? We’ve compiled the funniest jokes and puns featuring stand-up paddleboarders and their complicated equipment. Stand-up paddleboarding is here to stay. But sometimes SUP riders can look funny. Especially when they behave like kooks with their odd stances, confusing gear, and sudden falls. Are you an enthusiastic and passionate […]

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How to be a lifelong surfer

Surfing is great way to keep yourself fit, but like any sport, it can also take its toll on your body. You need to look after yourself to ensure you will still be surfing ten, twenty, or even thirty or more years in the future. You can increase the chances that you will still be […]

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University of Surfing opens in La Jolla

The new University of Surfing will open in La Jolla, California, in September 2014. It’s one of the most kept secrets in the history of American higher education. The future University of Surfing will be presented as the most complete and comprehensive studies in the sport of wave riding. There are nearly 2.5 million surfers […]

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