Tag Archives: environmental
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Flexi-Hex changes the way surfboards are packaged

A surf company from Cornwall developed a biodegradable surfboard packaging system. Flexi-Hex is a lightweight, durable and reusable set of two cardboard sleeves that suits almost any surfboard size and shape while protecting the deck, nose, and tail. “With current surfboard packaging times between 15-to-20 minutes and a variety of different methods and materials used, […]

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Gordon Clark, the surfboard blank manufacturer who ruled the world

Gordon Clark, the founder of the leading producer of polyurethane foam blanks from the early 1960s through 2005, is an inevitable brand in the history of surfing. Clark was born on the 19th January 1931 in Gardena, Los Angeles, and he was raised in Whittier. He learned to ride waves while attending Pomona College in […]

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