Tag Archives: george
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Surf pioneer George Downing dies at 87

Hawaiian surf legend, waterman, and environmentalist George Downing passed away peacefully in Oahu. He was one of the last Waikiki Beach Boys mentored by Duke Kahanamoku. It’s hard to forget his infectious smile. George Downing is widely seen as one of the original big wave surfers. Downing mastered the art of riding giants in the […]

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What is a surf mat?

It looks like a towel or an inflatable bodyboard, but it lets you ride a wave with your eyes close to the water surface. The surf mat is a pliable watercraft capable of doing magic things. A surf mat is a small and soft, inflatable, rectangular rubber mattress used to ride waves in a prone […]

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Why is Huntington Beach called Surf City USA?

Call it a slogan, nickname, tagline or motto. Huntington Beach is Surf City, USA. But what’s behind that moniker? Whether you’re analyzing it from a marketing, spiritual, political, or historical perspective, the truth is that the United States has four cities calling themselves “Surf City”: Huntington Beach, Santa Cruz, Surf City (North Carolina) and Surf […]

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What is a ukulele?

It produces a characteristic sound that immediately takes us to tropical environments. The ukulele was born in Hawaii but has its roots in Western Europe. The ukulele is a four-stringed musical instrument made from wood that resembles a small classical guitar. English speakers pronounce it as “you-ka-ley-ley” but, in fact, the spelling of the word […]

Surfing Magazine drops print edition

Surfing Magazine, the monthly surf publication founded in 1964, will close its doors. The iconic magazine started Leroy Grannis, and Dick Graham will merge with her older sister, Surfer Magazine, on February 1, 2017. Surfing Magazine had never had an easy ride. In the 1960s, a few years after hitting the shelves, the publication lived […]

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Daniel Kereopa crowned The Ultimate Waterman 2015

Kiwi wave rider Daniel Kereopa is The Ultimate Waterman 2015. The event invited eight athletes to compete in five different ocean disciplines, in New Zealand. Kereopa went into the final 15-kilometer stand up paddleboard endurance race with a minimal points lead over Kai Lenny, but the home boy held his nerves and kept close to […]

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The best sea and ocean quotes of all time

Planet Earth has five great oceans and 113 seas. They represent 72% of the surface of the globe, and together they’ve been an endless source of inspiration for humankind. The oceans and seas have changed lives forever. Saline water is part of who we are, even when it claims souls and dreams. Humans have always […]

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