Tag Archives: however
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Gold Coast unveils its Surf Management Plan

The Gold Coast Surf Management Plan has been released. The 56-page document aims to improve the quality of the surfing experience along the 52 kilometers of surf breaks. Every year, the Gold Coast attracts 11.5 million day-visitors. Surfing is a key outdoor activity in Australia’s sixth largest city. However, resources, i.e. waves, are not endless, and […]

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The best swim fins for bodysurfing

Riding a wave with your body is an extraordinary experience. It’s just you and the ocean. However, you can hardly do it without swim fins especially designed for bodysurfers. There are notable differences between bodyboarding fins and bodysurfing fins. Some might think you won’t notice the difference between both fin models, but that isn’t absolutely exact. […]

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What is the meaning of Aloha?

The word “Aloha” has several meanings, and they all share a common Hawaiian origin, history and culture. So what does Aloha mean? History books are not clear when did the “Aloha” expression enter the Hawaiian vocabulary, but several sources date it back to the end of the 18th century. The official publications tell us that “Aloha” […]

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The surfing drone by GoPro

The GoPro surf camera empire will launch a surfing drone in 2015. The inaugural edition of the multirotor helicopter drone will retail for between $500-$1,000. The aerial eye by GoPro will directly compete with DJI, a brand that features its high-quality cameras in a wide range of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV). The company founded by […]

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The variables of an ocean swell

The science of surf forecasting tells us that a swell brings a group of waves. But what are the variables playing in the equation until those waves hit the shoreline? The anatomy of waves is complex. We know that it all starts with the sun, and that wind acts as a mechanical architect of ocean waves. […]

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