Tag Archives: meet-the-world
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One ride, two waves: Kai Lenny tests a self-propelled hydrofoil surfboard

Meet the world’s first ever self-propelled hydrofoil surfboard. Who better to test it than Kai Lenny? Kai Lenny paddled into a left-hand roller, kicked out, pumped his hydrofoil back out to sea, and caught the next wave. “What I really love about the hydrofoil is that it just opens a whole new world of surf […]

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Comet is the world’s first smartphone with fins

Meet the world’s first buoyant smartphone. Yes, it floats in the water. And yes, it has a fin system. Palo Alto start-up Comet Core promises to launch a revolutionary smartphone that is built with fins that deploy as soon as it is completely submerged in water. “We developed Comet to be a phone that people […]

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