Tag Archives: nicaragua
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Nathalie Vigia chases her dream in a Volkswagen surf van

Nathalie Vigia dreams of driving her classic Volkswagen Type 2 through Central America. Fourteen years ago, Nathalie got in love with the Volkswagen surf van while visiting Australia. She saw people cruising around and chasing waves with surfboards on top of the vehicle. When she finally bought a green Volkswagen Type 2, Nathalie named her […]

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"The SUP Movie" follows Kai Lenny around the globe

Kai Lenny is the grand star behind “The SUP Movie”, a stand up paddleboarding flick directed by award-winning filmmaker Johnny DeCesare. Do you think it’s easy to get barreled at Jaws with a large and heavy SUP board? Ask young waterman Kai Lenny, and he explain the adversities of riding a moving bull with a […]

TravelSIM Team Australia Set for a Start at the ISA World Masters Surfing Championship in Nicaragua

Between the rhythmic beats of the marching band, the cheering of the Rivas locals and the waving of flags from 26 nations, the ISA World Masters Surfing Championship announced itself in grand fashion to the people of Nicaragua.

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