Tag Archives: practice

Is it safe to surf while pregnant?

Are you pregnant? Do you want to go surfing? Here’s some advice for women who want to surf through pregnancy. Some women can’t resist the temptation to merge two special moments – their pregnancy, and their intimate moment with the ocean. In other words – only a surfer knows the feeling. So, if you’re a […]

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Taming the ocean’s power: important water safety tips for beginner surfers

Surfing is an incredibly magnetic and exciting pastime. However, what most big wave videos don’t discuss are the potential dangers of the sport. Veterans know that water safety is at the root of the hobby. One must be comfortable in the water and be aware of their surroundings. Here’s how to tame the ocean’s power […]

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10 lessons surfing teaches you about life and business

I have learnt more lessons about life and business from surfing than I have from just about any other single activity I’ve ever taken part in. Surfing is one of the most mentally and physically challenging things you can do and as a result, the lessons it teaches you come think and fast. And you have […]

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