Tag Archives: professor
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Riding the waves of San Sebastian’s emerging surf economy

San Sebastian’s surf cluster is a city-driven, new-generation type of cluster policy that connects apparently unrelated activities around a common theme: surf. By choosing a theme rather than a specific sector, the cluster initiative refrains from “picking winners” and opens new opportunities for economic diversification that make use of specific local strengths: gastronomy, hospitality, natural […]

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"Turn-Taking in the Surfers’ Lineup," an academic analysis by Kenneth Liberman

Kenneth B. Liberman, Professor Emeritus of Sociology at the University of Oregon, has studied and analyzed the relationships between surfers, the rules of wave riding, and the moral values found in the surf. “Turn-Taking in the Surfers’ Lineup” is one of the most relevant contributions to the knowledge of wave scarcity, surf etiquette, and the corresponding […]

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Surfer sets world record for the longest surfing session

Ben Shaw has broken the Guinness World Record for the longest consecutive surfing session, at Kure Beach, North Carolina. The passionate surfer rode waves for 29 hours and 10 minutes. He was raising awareness for Ocean Cure, a non-profit organization dedicated to giving free surf lessons to medically fragile and at risk youth and adults. Shaw entered […]

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