Tag Archives: rule

The best surf ponchos in the world

The surf poncho is one of the most useful items a surfer can have on the backpack or car trunk. It works simultaneously as changing room and wearable towel. Getting in and out of a wetsuit or… Visit SurferToday.com for the complete article.

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Aging in surfing: how to balance body changes and experience

Aging is a slow, steady, continuous, and adaptive process of physiological deterioration. So, how can surfers adapt to the different life stages? We can’t – and never will be able to – stop the passage of time. Life is a one-off golden opportunity that we should cherish every time we wake up in the morning.

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"Turn-Taking in the Surfers’ Lineup," an academic analysis by Kenneth Liberman

Kenneth B. Liberman, Professor Emeritus of Sociology at the University of Oregon, has studied and analyzed the relationships between surfers, the rules of wave riding, and the moral values found in the surf. “Turn-Taking in the Surfers’ Lineup” is one of the most relevant contributions to the knowledge of wave scarcity, surf etiquette, and the corresponding […]

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