Tag Archives: saint

How did two Russians end up surfing Nazaré?

They’re two big wave surfers, and they hail from Russia. The previous sentence doesn’t seem to make sense, but they’re in Nazaré, Portugal, to prove that our preconceptions are wrong. Andrei “Dolphin” Ovchinnikov and Andrey Karr Boldyrev have the looks of a surfer. Their hairstyle, their clothes, and their eyes on the ocean are not […]

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William Aliotti prevails in the cold waves of Kamchatka

William Aliotti has taken out the Nixon Surf Challenge 2014, in Kamchatka, Russian Far-East. The 21-year-old goofy-footer from the Caribbean haven of Saint Martin defeated Vincent Duvignac in the five-foot waves, and frigid water temperatures. “I’m so happy to return from Russia with two prizes in the bag – it’s more than I could have […]

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