Tag Archives: skateboarding

In place of the ASP mid-year rotation

Remember that whole cut-off the ASP implemented in 2010? Yeah, that didn’t really take. The only surfers that seem to like cut-offs are the ones who wear Ray Bans and boat shoes. And that’s an entirely different kind of cut-offs. But while we still have to look at the occasional upper thigh of a guy…

Reef’s Rudd video and download

Half the appeal of a surf video is the music. In honor of International Surfing Day last week, Reef released a free download of the new Xavier Rudd track “Follow the Sun,” from the album Spirit Bird. They also got together with California charmer/filmer, Ryan Mosss to create the soulful video for the…

Little Debby rocks Panhandle

Once again, hurricane season 2012 is proving to defy the odds — and the odds makers for that matter. Forecasted to be a kitten of a season, it’s turning out to be a wild black panther. This week, we have Tropical Storm Debby churning up the Gulf of Mexico like butter for cornbread. She became […]

How long can this go on?

“Ten years from now I feel like I could still be winning contests.” Kelly Slater said that four years ago in 2008 a day after winning his ninth world title at the Billabong Pro in Mundaka, Spain. He was 36 years old and had just capped off the most dominant season of his career, having […]

Elmore rides all

Troy Elmore is one of those guys who can ride anything. Now granted, these free-spirited, peripheral surf stars don’t pull down the bucks like the tour studs, but you have to imagine their having a good time. Last year, Elmore joined the Brixton team and started trekking about Australia, riding most…

Beryl barrels through

The ingredients for the Tropical Storm Beryl cocktail were first stirred over Cuba early last week — warm subtropical waters, sugar, convection, mint —until she picked up enough steam to become the second named preseason system of 2012. By Wednesday, still fairly tight to the coast of south Florida,…

Parko’s perspective

With the completion of the Billabong Pro Rio and Joel Parkinson taking second place to John John Florence, Parkinson is now in the No. 1 spot on ASP World Tour. At 31, he has four runner-up finishes (2002, 2004, 2009, and 2011) but has yet to collect a World Title for himself. Does all this […]

This is Romain Cloitre

Chances are if you’re from the States you haven’t heard much about Romain Cloitre, let alone seen his surf talents in action, but to be sure, dude rips. Part of a hard-charging, full-on crew from the south Indian Ocean that’s quickly catching up to more global powerhouses like the United States and…

Greyson Fletcher grinds for Flip

Skateboarding is a baby compared to surfing. While we’re celebrating the Z-Boys of the 70s and the Bones Brigade of the 80s as our pioneers, surfing was already huge in America for three or four decades by that point (I’m not even going to get into how it dates all the way back to the […]

On a different plane

This weekend, while most of the surf industry’s collective attention was turned toward the Nike Lowers Pro and Billabong XXL Awards,  another group of wave riders quietly gathered. Flying (or sliding, as it were) under the radar, is right where these folks are used to being. Most surfers by now have…

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