Tag Archives: taking
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"Turn-Taking in the Surfers’ Lineup," an academic analysis by Kenneth Liberman

Kenneth B. Liberman, Professor Emeritus of Sociology at the University of Oregon, has studied and analyzed the relationships between surfers, the rules of wave riding, and the moral values found in the surf. “Turn-Taking in the Surfers’ Lineup” is one of the most relevant contributions to the knowledge of wave scarcity, surf etiquette, and the corresponding […]

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How to be a lifelong surfer

Surfing is great way to keep yourself fit, but like any sport, it can also take its toll on your body. You need to look after yourself to ensure you will still be surfing ten, twenty, or even thirty or more years in the future. You can increase the chances that you will still be […]

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Who says the Harlem Globetrotters can’t surf?

The Harlem Globetrotters have gone surfing at Puaena Point Beach, on the Oahu’s North Shore. What are famous basketball players doing in boardshorts? Enjoying summer holidays? Taking a break after a strenuous game? Working on a tan? Bull Bullard and Flight Time Lang, dunker and dribbler for the Harlem Globetrotters, have rapidly learned how to […]

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