Tag Archives: them
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João Kopke puts on "El Sombrero"

Mexico is a country well known by surfers. All good spots, amazing spicy food, good vibes, great people (most of them, we believe). Everyone knows that. Timmy Reys and Tom Lowe were there too, so… But the truth is, for a Portuguese surfer, this is a special place. At least it was for João Kopke. […]

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10 things you can do to avoid wipeouts

Some wipeouts are funny. And then you’re “privileged” enough to taste those tougher beatings. Finally, you’re invited into those free fall experiences in cold water, six-foot waves. Wipeouts are part of the surfing game. But, can we avoid some of them? Yes, wipeouts can (and should) be avoided. Broken boards, broken bones, muscle injuries, and […]

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