Tag Archives: with-the-same
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Surf dog Ricochet goes surfing with two special sisters

Two teenage sisters with the same terminal illness have hit the surf with surf dog Ricochet, in San Diego. Savannah (17) and Bellamy Arterburn (19) suffer from Friedreich’s Ataxia, a rare, debilitating and degenerative neuro-muscular disorder that causes movement problems, and has no treatment or cure. Despite undergoing multiple spine surgeries, both sisters are losing […]

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Zoltan "The Magician" Torkos invents the off-the-lip kickflip

The wizard of surfing is back with a cool new trick. After several failed attempts, Mr. Zoltan Torkos lands the first ever off-the-lip kickflip. You’ve got to love it. Zoltan Torkos is so passionate about surfing that his own laboratory of wave spells is in constant activity. There’s no time to lose. A few months […]

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How smoking seriously affects surfing

There many surfers who smoke. If you’re passionate about the ocean and the waves, consider quitting cigarettes. You can’t imagine what you’ll earn. Smoking and surfing. Two words with the same number of characters, two words with opposite meanings. The good news is that a surfer can quit on any day of the year. What […]

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