Tag Archives: body

How to get your partner into surfing

Surfing is an individual sport, but there are so many things in the sport that you can share with your significant other. Learn how to get your boyfriend, girlfriend, husband or wife into surfing. If you surf, you know what he or she is missing. The relationship with the sea and the waves, that incredible […]

What surfing means to me

Do you remember the first time you rode a wave? What did you feel? How would you describe the feeling of walking on water? We want to know what surfing means to you. For many, it happened 20 years ago. For others, it’s been 10 years. A small minority started last year. But the indescribable […]

How to avoid nosediving/pearling in surfing

Nosedives are one of the most common incidents in surfing. Learn how to balance your weight and prevent pearling while catching waves. In surfing, nosediving doesn’t necessarily mean you’ve done something wrong. Yes, it can be particularly embarrassing when you think you’ve nailed down a perfect wave, and then you wipe out in front of […]

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The health benefits of sea water

The list of sea water health benefits is nearly endless. But, even if it only had a placebo effect on our physique, our brain would still drive us to the beach. It’s good to your mood, and it will boost your health. The only thing that sea water does not do is hydrate our body. […]

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Why should surfers drink more water

Discover the health benefits of drinking water. Learn why water is not only the perfect drink but also the ultimate nutrient. Drink it the morning, in the afternoon, or minutes before you go to sleep. Just drink it. Water is the best energy drink. It represents essence, simplicity, and purity, but also the primary component […]

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How to surf small waves

Surfers tend to discard small waves. “If it’s small, it’s not worth it,” we sometimes say. But there are many lessons to be learned in the tiny ripples. The first one is that it is harder to ride a one-footer than it is to find the surf line on a shoulder-high wave. On a bigger […]

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How to live the ultimate surfing lifestyle

Though the iconic illustration of a surfer is one of a peaceful individual living a simple life, the reality often requires some sacrifices and a lifestyle quite removed from that as viewed by non-surfers. Actually, living a surfer’s lifestyle is not about how exactly you appear; the things you wear or simply getting a surfboard […]

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10 things you can do to avoid wipeouts

Some wipeouts are funny. And then you’re “privileged” enough to taste those tougher beatings. Finally, you’re invited into those free fall experiences in cold water, six-foot waves. Wipeouts are part of the surfing game. But, can we avoid some of them? Yes, wipeouts can (and should) be avoided. Broken boards, broken bones, muscle injuries, and […]

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15 superfruits every surfer should eat

What can superfruits do for surfers? What makes it a superfruit? How will they helps perform better? Why should you eat five to nine portions of fruit a day? Scientists and doctors often say that “superfruit” is a marketing term invented to sell food products which contain fruits with “superpowers.” In other words, superfruits are […]

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Josh Enslin spent 1811 minutes surfing in cold waters

Josh Enslin has set a new Guinness World Record for the longest surfing session of all time, at Pollock Beach, Port Elizabeth, in South Africa. Despite the cold water temperatures, the 30-year-old surfer stayed in the water for 30 hours and 11 minutes. Enslin rode 455 waves and improved the previous record by 44 minutes, […]

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