Tag Archives: freedom
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The divine alchemy between surfing and yoga

Cat Woods is a yoga and barre instructor based in Melbourne, Australia. She deeply loves both yoga and surfing and the endless pursuit of knowledge, skill, and fluidity in both. This is the goal with yoga – to move on the mat, and off the mat, with a light step and an easy, relaxed movement. […]

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The ultimate guide to shark repellents and deterrents

Sharks are everywhere because their natural habitat is the oceans of the world. When we go surfing or swimming, we’re entering their territory. But how can surfers enjoy their waves in shark-infested waters? The shark repellent industry has grown a lot in the 21st century. Technology paved the way for the development of smart devices […]

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Meditation and Surfing: A Guide to Zen, Waves and Mindfulness

Meditating and surfing. For many surfers, it’s the ultimate experience. Learn how to add meditation to your surfing routine. A meditation session is a rendezvous between you and yourself. It’s all about training and soothing the mind, and entering a mode of freedom and self-awareness which induces relaxation, joy, patience, emotional balance, and love. Meditation […]

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The 360-degree online surfboard designer by Haydenshapes

The concept is not new, but Haydenshapes has launched an efficient interactive online custom surfboard designer. The internet world has allowed surfboard shapers to reach a wider audience. In the past 15 years, there were multiple attempts to “shape” the perfect surfboard website. Many have failed to deliver a comfortable experience. Buying a surfboard is […]

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